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Smokeless fire pit

Add Personality to Your Firepit – TOP 5 Ideas

Looking for ways to complete the overall look of your backyard or to spice up your outdoor fire pit? A little accessory goes a long way. Here are 5 different ways to add personality to firepit.



Fire pit Cannonballs

Consider this 14PC Cannonball set to maximize the effect of your fire feature. Not only is it great for its modern yet simplistic design, these hand-crafted cannonballs are ideal for outdoor environments. They are integrally coloured with 3 muted modern tones that are absorbed into porous fireproof material. Extremely durable, the cannonballs are freeze tested and fire approved. They are clean burning with no smoke, ash or harmful fumes. Add a modern art flair to your fire pit with this look – there’s no wrong way to place them in the flame bed! You can add personality to firepit also with riverstones.


Accessories for fire pit

Gray is an overused, safe colour and can sometimes be boring, however, with the right styling it can really enhance the ambiance of your outdoor living space. Adding the river rocks will not only bring the serenity of a gentle woodland stream to your fire pit, but you will also garner a fair share of compliments from your visitors. These man-made river stones are extremely durable. They are freeze tested and fire approved. Furthermore, they are clean burning with no smoke, ash or harmful fumes. Make sure not to use real river stones in a gas fire pit. You can add personality to firepit also with fireglass.

Learn more about styling with riverstones.


add personality to firepit

Are you looking to give your fire pit a modern look? Looking to impress your neighbours or your house guests? Then the fire glass is the most sure-fire way to complete all your needs. Fire glass is available in a wide variety of sizes and colours. Glass shards brings a sleek modern look while glass beads provide a gentle, resort-like feel. It also does not emit any harmful fumes, smoke, soot or ash. You can add fire glass to lava rock for an easy bling effect and coordinate colors to match your cushions or change it up with the season! Make sure to only use tempered glass that’s designed for use in a fire feature.

 Learn more about styling with fireglass


add personality to fire pit

Move over regular lava rock! These dark grey stones will give a natural effect that will add a warm rustic elegance to your outdoor fire pit with everyone asking “what are those cool rocks?”. These stones are naturally formed and then put through a smoothing process giving them the uniform shape. These stones are made from naturally occuring volcanic rock, allowing them to withstand extreme temperatures without the loss of colour or change in shape. These rounded lava rocks are porous which provides improved air circulation resulting in a bigger flame presentation. 

Learn more about placing lava rock


add personality to firepit

Enjoy a campfire feel without the hassle of chopping wood and smelling like smoke. There are a few different styles – we like the  beach wood set and the more traditional oak wood sets. Consider slimmer beach driftwood log sets for linear firepits and the traditional oak sets in robust round openings. Choose hand-painted ceramic logs for a realistic look. When placing the logs make sure to not block or cover the burner jets and you’ll have a great add-on feature to your outdoor fire pit. Quality outdoor log sets are extremely durable,  freeze tested and fire approved. Flames will go around log sets giving the appearance of a taller fuller fire. 

Add personality to firepit

Check out these Youtube Videos to see some of these accessories in action:

Fire Pit Media on a Linear Fire Table:


If you’re still in doubt which accessories best for you, you can contact our sales team or just call us – 1-604-330-4078

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